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European Environment Agency

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European Environment Agency

The European Environment Agency (EEA) is an agency of the European Union tasked with providing independent information on the environment. Established in 1993 and headquartered in Copenhagen, Denmark, the EEA plays a crucial role in supporting sustainable development by helping to achieve significant and measurable improvements in Europe's environment.


  • Provide Reliable Environmental Information: The EEA collects, analyzes, and disseminates data and information on the environment across Europe, helping to inform environmental policy-making and public awareness.

  • Support Sustainable Development: By offering insights and assessments, the EEA supports the development and implementation of EU environmental policies aimed at promoting sustainability.

  • Monitor Environmental Progress: The agency monitors progress toward the EU's environmental goals, such as those outlined in the European Green Deal, and assesses the impact of environmental policies.

  • Promote Environmental Knowledge Sharing: The EEA facilitates the exchange of environmental knowledge among EU Member States, as well as other countries that cooperate with the EU on environmental issues.


Key Activities

  • Data Collection and Monitoring

    • The EEA gathers data from a wide network of sources, including national environmental agencies, research institutions, and international organizations.

    • It monitors a broad range of environmental issues, such as air quality, water quality, biodiversity, climate change, land use, and waste management.

  • Environmental Reporting

    • The EEA produces comprehensive reports, indicators, and assessments that provide insights into the state of the environment in Europe. These include regular publications like the "State of the Environment Report" (SOER).

    • The agency also develops and maintains the European Environment Information and Observation Network (EIONET), which supports the sharing of environmental data and knowledge across Europe.

  • Support for EU Policy

    • The EEA provides scientific evidence and analysis to support the development, implementation, and evaluation of EU environmental policies. This includes contributing to policies under the European Green Deal, such as the Circular Economy Action Plan, Biodiversity Strategy, and Climate Law.

    • The agency's work helps policymakers understand the environmental impacts of various sectors and the effectiveness of existing policies.

  • Climate Change Monitoring

    • The EEA plays a key role in monitoring climate change impacts, adaptation, and mitigation efforts across Europe.

    • It provides data and assessments on greenhouse gas emissions, climate change impacts, and the progress of EU Member States towards their climate goals.

  • Public Awareness and Education

    • The agency works to raise public awareness about environmental issues and sustainability through its publications, online platforms, and public outreach activities.

    • The EEA provides accessible information and tools for citizens, businesses, and policymakers to better understand environmental challenges and solutions.


Geographical Scope

  • EU Member States: All EU countries are members of the EEA.

  • Non-EU Members: The EEA's network includes several non-EU countries, such as Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Switzerland, and Turkey, among others, which contribute to and benefit from the agency's work.

​The European Environment Agency is a key player in ensuring that Europe’s environmental policies are based on sound evidence and that progress toward sustainability is closely monitored and supported.

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